With Baahubali movie director Rajamouli has set a bar too high collections to reach and for many it is a distant dream. There are also few set of people, who takes this challenge and tries to reach above this mark.
Bandla Ganesh is one among them and would like to take this as a challenge and cross Raajamouli. Bandla Ganesh, leading producer in Tollywood, says he wants to make a bigger film than Baahubali. After watching Baahubali, Ganesh thanked Raajamouli for taking Telugu cinema to the world map.
Aiming at big targets is a always a good sign in Telugu film industry. Looking at the confidence in the words of Bandla Ganesh, he might try to make a big budget film.
Bandla Ganesh is one among them and would like to take this as a challenge and cross Raajamouli. Bandla Ganesh, leading producer in Tollywood, says he wants to make a bigger film than Baahubali. After watching Baahubali, Ganesh thanked Raajamouli for taking Telugu cinema to the world map.
Aiming at big targets is a always a good sign in Telugu film industry. Looking at the confidence in the words of Bandla Ganesh, he might try to make a big budget film.
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